MBOP Committee 2023-24
Adult Outreach Chair
Deepika Bhatnagar
3rd Year PhD Student
Renee Seto
4th Year PhD student
Local Outreach Chair
Christopher Catalano
4th Year PhD Student
Jonathan St. Ange
4th Year PhD Student
PTI Chair
Sabrina Solley
5th Year PhD Student
Website Director
Gavriela Carver
4th Year PhD Student
Postdoc Co-Chairs
2nd Year Representatives
Kaleigh Remick
3rd Year PhD Student
Emily Singer
3rd Year PhD Student
Lauren Todorov
2nd Year PhD Student
Katherine Novak
3rd Year PhD student
1st Year Representatives
Tina Li
2nd Year PhD Student
Courteney Malin
2nd Year PhD Student
Rodrigo Berber-Pulido
2nd Year PhD Student
MBOP Committee 2022-23
Read more about our diverse backgrounds, hobbies, quirks, and opinions by clicking on our photos!
Adult Outreach Chair
Deepika Bhatnagar
3rd Year PhD Student
Local Outreach Co-Chairs
Abby Stanton
3rd Year PhD Student
Tori Crans
4th Year PhD Student
PTI Chair
Sabrina Solley
3rd Year PhD Student
Website Director
Jorge A. Moreno
5th Year PhD Student
Communications Chair
No content available to show.
Nicole Katchur
3rd Year MD/PhD Student
Renee Seto
3rd Year PhD Student
Jonathan St. Ange
3rd Year PhD Student